Thing 29: App-palooza!

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When asking my third and fourth graders about apps they were quickly versed in games that they were allowed to download onto their parents phones but were unaware that the apps on chrome books were considered apps. They just assumed that the computers came that way and had no idea that they could have these on their home computers.

I borrowed from different areas of our school ipads, chrome books, tablets,desktops and laptops. This gave students the opportunity to see what each electronic had to offer. They spent 3 weeks using different types of electronics and apps and then were asked to pick one and tell me one project that they could complete with the available apps on their device type. By the end of the three weeks students were thinking beyond games to videos, news reports, science displays, virtual field trips, art, and ebooks and poetry. 

Students also started coming in with names of apps that they liked using at home because they were exploring independently. One brought in an amazing lego creation he had made based online because he knew we would be unplugging and doing a stem week in lab. It gave the classes an entire different view and approach to their stem week.

We used so many different approaches I can not even list them. Some worked, some didn't but it was all based on student interest and approach.


  1. Wow, what a cool way to get the students to explore and think beyond game apps. Nicely done!


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