Thing 12: Reflection- Thing 1-9

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This experience has been one of the most fulfilling pd experiences I have had in my 30 years of teaching. Little did I know that I would be facing some very serious health issues this year but the self paced experience enabled me to participate without stress. I also was able to dig deeper and go back and revisit former lessons to enhance what I was learning about. The "things" built nicely on each other.

As the librarian and computer lab TA, I found that learning as I go gave me time to share as I went through these things. My computer lab grade 3 & 4 students would ask me, "Mrs. Ronan what are you learning about this week?" My experience was if I was modeling learning to my students they wanted to explore and learn more as well. I also shared throughout this entire experience with my administrator, tech team, one on one classrooms, and the elementary staff. These resources were well received because they were relevant to their every day classroom experience.

Because I have not returned to work yet, I can not be specific about my future projects but I know all of the projects we have started will remain in place as they have all contributed to our students being better digital citizens. I will also continue using them to actually restructure our elementary lab experience. Not only will students be using the tools I have acquired from CoolTools but our lab will be set up in Google Classroom very similar to your format to allow student and teachers a much easier access to the world of resources available to them.

Thank you for inspiring me and engaging my mind beyond the world I knew. I hope that this experience will be available next year and if not I will continue to visit the many resources I have not yet encountered.


  1. How wonderful that your students were asking you what you were learning! As you said, what a great way to model excitement about learning. Just love that!! Glad you were able to participate this year. I hope we'll be able to run the workshop again next year, all of the content will remain on the Cool Tools site in any case.


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